Monday, May 19, 2014


I just graduated from Ringling College of Art + Design
I finished my Computer Animation thesis film "Matrioshka". The first picture shows the sculpted 3D face I modeled for my characters.

Ya me gradue al fin de Ringling College en Florida. Termine mi tesis y se llama "Matrioshka". Y aqui les muestro unas fotos de los primeros intentos creando a mis personajes. La primera foto estan los dos con caras en 3D.

 In this second picture I have the painted faces on the characters, this way I could work with traditional animation for their expressions. Which was very tricky.

En esta segunda foto estan con las caras pintadas, de este modo las expresiones serian animadas tradicionalmente. Fue dificil y me hubiera gustado hacer un mejor trabajo pero el resultado no es tan malo.

Here is the final look for the characters.
Y aqui estan terminados los dos personajes.

And here is the spoof poster. Everyone makes one for their student film for the senior show.
Es tradicion de los graduados de Computer Animation hacer un poster de broma para promocionar nuestro show.
Con mis dos amigas Yoly y Aurry.

Landscape Paintings. Sarasota Floida

Oil Paintings

Watercolor Drawing

Something new

Drawing, oil painting and photo of porch with dogs at Sarasota Florida.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Some doodles

Inspired by Buddhist art and culture class. Hope you recognize who she is.

And then some character doodles
